Monday, May 7, 2007

144 million dollars

I had the most mind-blowing dream a couple months ago and I am exciting to finally tell you about it on this blog. I'm sorry this is so long, but I promise it will be worth the read:

I dreamed my wife and I were touring a great mansion. We were going to buy it, and we knew it was going to be ours. We started through the main doors and proceeded through each room. The furnishings were not as lavish as you might guess in a mansion, but the carpeting was fresh and the rooms were white, and the furniture new yet modest. The furnishings were like the house I grew up in. As we toured the place, room after room, there was a feeling of peace, and wonder, as if the place was not of earth.

And indeed it was not of earth. This was a heavenly place! Think what you want, but it is God's honest truth... this is what I saw and how it happened, just this last February, without exagerration.

Even now, a few months later, I still remember the highlights of the dream as if it were last night. It was incredibly real, and it was one of those dreams where the emotions I was experiencing of bliss and happiness were just as beautiful, poignant and lasting as the actual surroundings I took in.

There were many many rooms, all simply and homely, but they went on and on. At one point we entered a different room where the ceiling was at least 100 feet high and the room was as vast as a great ballroom. There were mirrors all along one wall, a wooden floor across the whole place, and in one corner of the ballroom an area with banquet tables. I remember my grandfather on my mother's side next to me (who I suddenly realized I was leading by the arm) and I was explaining to him how the vast the room was -- I was telling him it was similar in size to Landmark's sanctuary.

At this point, I awoke in the middle of the night, but was too tired to digest what had happened in the dream. I then fell back asleep and continued the same dream. It seemed to start again, but it continued past the previous point to where we were with my parents touring the house, as if they were going to buy it, and Jessica and I hoped they would like it as much as we did. More than once my dad mentioned that the house cost 144 million dollars. He said it matter of factly, not as if they couldn't afford it, or it was a huge amount, just a statement of fact: it was 144 million dollars.

We all got more and more excited as we finally made it to the back of the house. The kitchen area had a fountain, and plants growing inside, with windows outside all around the back of the house. It was so beautiful, and at this point, my sister and my brother and my sister in law were all there looking around, amazed and excited at the prospect of buying such a wonderful place for all of us.

I also remember seeing the master bedroom and the bed alone was about 40 feet across.

This is the part of the dream which effected me the most - as I walked outside (and it was my first glimpse outside - the majority of the dream had been inside the great mansion) the beauty that surrounded me was breathtaking. It was like a southern mansion estate. The backyard area was closed off by massive trees with moss and foliage so that I couldn't see beyond my own backyard. There was a fog or rather a mist that was creeping over the grass. Marble walkways coiled around the back of the house and tall columns stood watchful on the back of the house. As you can tell, I don't exactly remember every detail, but there was a light, a pink or purplish light filtering through the fog - and there was an awe and a wonder that filled every fiber of my being as I stood and took in the beauty all around me. My mother told me that they were definitely going to get this place for all of us, and although I couldn't really hear it, everything around me was singing and filling me with wholeness.

It was like a Steven Spielberg moment in a beautiful film scene, except it was more than just a visual view - the sensation of peace and joy seemed to fill me to overflowing.

At that time I awoke with my alarm going off and instead of waking tired and groggy, I was wide awake. I was in a daze as I arose to my morning routine before heading off to work and I could not stop thinking of the dream. As I was dressing myself for the day, a scripture I had not thought on for a long time was suddenly fed into my mind:

"But as it is written:
'Eye has not seen, nor ear heard,
Nor have entered into the heart of man
The things which God has prepared for those who love Him.'

But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God."(
1 Cor. 12:9-12, from Isaiah 64:4)

After pondering my dream all day I emailed my family members who had shown up in my dream and told them about it... but what kept hitting me was the 144 million dollar price on the home. So about a week after my dream I was sitting around and I did some research on the most expensive homes in the world. They range from 5m to over 100 million dollars.

And the most expensive one? The 103-room mansion (pictured below) - set on 58 acres in the wealthy London suburb of Surrey. It has five swimming pools and every possible trimming. The cost of the most expensive home on the market today? 122 million.

See the Forbes article here:

To me this was the most amazing part: God was showing me that not even the most expensive home on this earth today could compare with what God has prepared for those who love him.

So incredible that we couldn't even imagine it with our carnal minds.

"Let not your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in Me.
In My Father's house are many mansions; if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. And where I go you know, and the way you know.' " (John 13:36, 14:1-4)

1 comment:

Starrs In Denver said...

Cool dream Sean! What amazing descriptions you have and to think that all that-your dream, the mansion in London...probably pale in comparison to what awaits us in Heaven!