Modern legalism is much like the difficult Old Testament law. Those of you who were brought up in a legalistic mindset will understand what I am saying...
I read the whole book of Galatians in the NLT today and it made sense like never before. Paul was writing to the Galatian church who were being persuaded by Judaizers to turn back to keeping the law of Moses. They were being told that faith in Christ was not enough -- that they also all needed to be circumcised. This outraged Paul, who had laid the foundation of their faith and freedom in Christ through many trials, sweat, and tears. Paul himself had many stripes and beatings from the Jews for preaching the freedom from the law that is found in Christ. Paul knew that those Judaizers only wanted to control the churches thenmselves (rather than letting Christ be in charge) and be praised by men for all the people they had following them.
How was the law of Moses like legalistic belief-systems today? Well, it was based on works. It didn't have the power to justify (save) the person resting on it. It was only good enough to show people how powerless they were to save themselves. It paved the way for the freedom and grace found under Christ...
Reading through Galatians was like reading my own mail. I feel like Jesus has freed me from my own personal "law" I grew up with. It was my teacher that pointed me to Christ!
Even though I am infinitely thankful for the organization and church I grew up in, I am well aware of the dangerous effects of its legalistic side. As a small boy I was constantly fearful of going to hell because I had not yet spoken in tongues. As a teenager I could not pray or fast or witness enough to feel "right" with God. As a young adult minister in my church I was expected to look, talk, and act a certain way or I was not even considered saved...
The infant Christian church centuries ago (initially comprised only of Jewish worshippers) had been rejected by their parents, wives, children, etc for their newfound freedom in Christ. They could not even buy or sell at the worst point of their persecution just before the fall of Jerusalem in the first century. They were constantly shunned by the ones they loved for refusing to follow the pointless traditions and customs they were brought up with.
That is how my wife and I, and some of the others that God was good enough to bring out of our previous organization, feel. It is so hard to move on when everyone and everything you ever knew is saying you are the devil... We are being shunned and looked down on now for rejecting our man-made standards of so-called holiness (having all to do with appearances) and it hurts... but we have no desire whatsoever to go back under that law -- now that we are experiencing freedom in Christ! Now of course, as Paul said, we do not use that freedom to please the flesh -- but rather to serve one another! My previous yoke was hard, but the yoke I now am bound to (Christ alone) is easy and light! It frees me to do the will of God from my heart and fulfill the great commission as I was always meant to...
I will close with the words of Paul:
Gal 5:6
For in Jesus Christ neither circumcision (fleshly ordinances and outward appearances: the law) mean any thing -- nor uncircumcision; but only faith which works by love!
Instead of focusing on a list of standards regarding jewelry, makeup, pants, skirts, beards, uncut hair, etc, we now can focus on the issue that Jesus died for: faith that works by love!
I realize that what I just posted may offend a few of my readers, but I must tell the truth and please God from my heart. Again, your opinion may be different than mine, and if that is such regarding this subject, then I hope that you will pray for me. Either way, thanks for taking the time to listen to my voice.
Sean-praise God that He has freed you from that bondage! I am so sorry for the rejection and negativity you guys are experiencing. We pray that somehow God would work these things towards your good and His glory. We pray for God's grace on your life and really want to get together with you soon.
Take care, Rose and family
Sean--you have a talented way of communicating how you feel and painting a word picture of your experiences. I also know you paint and draw and do sketches of caricatures.
With that in mind, I was reminded of a Garfield cartoon after reading about your escape from legalism.
Imagine: Garfield jumps into the first frame of the illustration; which lands him smack in the middle of a pet shop. He looks around at his fellow animals and is touched by their captivity.
Next, Garfield declares himself the liberator of those held in captivity. After his convincing declaration, he springs into action. He rushes through the pet shop unlocking and opening each door that cages a victim.
As he is throwing the doors wide open he is passionately shouting to the top of his lungs, You’re Free! You’re Free! You’re Free!
Suddenly, to his amazement—he notices that none of the victims have walked through the open door into liberty and freedom.
For a moment he seems bewildered, then revelation ascends upon him. He realizes that these candidates of new found freedom are paralyzed and immobilized by liberty. They are clueless and fearful of what to do.
So, with passionless emotion and a pained heart, Garfield shuffles back through the shop--closing each door upon the motionless occupants muttering, You’re Secure, You’re Secure, You’re Secure.
Christ is the open door, the way, the truth, the light of the world and the life. It is through Him we are made free from bondage and condemnation of a law that demands recompense and death—a debt we could never pay.
In adorning Christ, I am no longer motionless, paralyzed or fearful because He has not given me a spirit of fear but of love and a sound mind with peace that passes all understanding.
Live Free my brother. Live God Loud and Crave God Deep.
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