This morning I was talking to Jesus about alot of different things and I was thinking about a prayer that was prayed over me some time ago: "Lord, I don't pray that you would give him the self control to simply not sin, but rather that you would heal him on the inside so thoroughly that he would no longer even desire those things."
This was prayed over me by a very important spiritual mentor who spoke into my life at some key points on my journey. At the time it hit me like a hammer... and it still does.
I realize now that this is the difference between the law and grace, between the Old Covenant and the New. The law could not produce inner transformation, and only served to show those under it how powerless they were to achieve righteousness by their own power. Legalistic religious teachings and groups don't realize how closely aligned they are with the law. They focus on a list of rules, regulations, and religious boundaries. They focus on teaching their people how to gain self-control, how to say no to the flesh, and how to look and act just right. This is just what the Mosaic law did -- and what did the Mosaic law produce? Condemnation, guilt, shame, and hopelessness. Men felt condemned because they could not follow all the law to the letter. It gave them a basic knowledge of right and wrong and good and evil, but could not give them the power and inner transformation necessary to make their heart and desires match their outward front of righteousness.
Sadly, so many groups today spend so much wasted time trying to control the actions of their people. Look a certain way, talk a certain way, act a certain way. Come on Sundays, put your money in the basket, become a member, and be a good obedient cookie-cutter Christian. The majority of these groups wouldn't know grace if it hit them in the head. They are too busy judging the outward appearance to truly love the person in front of them. They have to change them and make them fit in their group before they will truly love them. And if someone decides to leave the establishment? Talk bad about them, judge them, assume things about them, and don't call them to wish them the blessing of God wherever He leads them. That is not the church, it's a country club.
I thank God that He has delivered me from this attitude that I too had bought into, and practiced for so many years. I have repented numerous times since then of my pride, elitism, secterianism, bigotry, and segregation. I have made it over the hump of hurt and pain and gone over to the other side of that hard transition where there is freedom, joy, and love. I hope that every day of my life from here on is filled with the same love and grace for others which God has shown to me.
Jesus has come, finished his work, and delivered us from the curse of the law (the curse of legalism). He has loved us while we were yet sinners and offered to us fellowship with the Father, even in that sad and sickening state. He has not placed on us the heavy weight of a hundred laws and guidelines, but instead has offered to us love and friendship - a love that will transform us, over time, into people who do what's right - not because its the right thing to do, but because we love people and love our Lord so much that it's just the way we naturally are.
Lord, I don't pray that you would give those reading this post the self control to simply not sin, but rather that you would heal them on the inside so thoroughly that they would no longer even desire those things.
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