Wednesday, March 18, 2009


As life moves forward, repeating themes and thoughts and burdens seem to emerge. One of the key disciplines that always seems to come back to the forefront of my mind and heart is that of simplicity. Living simply - cutting out the extras, the unnecessaries, the weights, or the distractions - and filling my life with the simple and straightforward, the rich and the pure.

I don't want to waste my time. I don't want to be throwing punches into the air. I don't want to finish my life wondering where all the time went. I want to finish it knowing I lived it right and full - and that I put my thoughts and energy on what was truly important.

My kids are what is important. My wife is what is important. Learning to spend time with Jesus constantly is important. Loving sinners is important. Living in community. Working hard. Being honest. Being totally available.

The words from a John Mayer song come to mind. "How come everything I think I need, always comes with batteries - what do you think that means?"
Preach it, brother John :)

If something in my life needs batteries to work, then its probably just a filler or a substitute for something organic and real - and the organic and real comes straight from the LORD.

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