-Read the next chapter in my "The Apocalypse Code" book (by Hank Hanegraaf)
-Take a short nap in my car
-Eat some more (I had already eaten my lunch)
-Take a drive to a nearby store
-Light up a bowl (an occasional pipe tobacco smoke is a new interest of mine)
-Surf the web from my desk
...It came to me that although all of these things are fine and okay, the only thing that should be filling my emotional/spiritual void, is Jesus.
So as the rain washed down outside, I tramped out to my car and pressed into the throneroom.
As I prayed, the reality of a deep spiritual truth became exhaustively clear in my heart and mind:
Man was made to subsist on his Creator!
I began to wonder how many times I (even as a genuine new creation in Christ) had turned on a movie, or started reading a novel, or had a late-night glass of wine or bowl, or whatever, in a subconscious response to the unidentified hunger in my heart for fellowship with my creator. Now granted, I am convinced that the aforementioned diversions are NOT displeasing to God by themselves, but rather are given by the creator to be enjoyed by his creation (Ps. 104:15, Ecc. 5:18, 9:7, Col. 2:16-23 -> good stuff!), still the foundation of our emotional and spiritual (and perhaps even physical) fulfillment was always meant to be grounded in HIM.
Most of us realize that sinners go after drugs and drunkenness and illicit sex and so on in attempt to fill that spiritual god-shaped void in their inner being, but do we ever think that saints could also follow that faulty reasoning on a smaller level if they are not careful?
The only other question that I asked myself was this - If these material and carnal natural blessings from our creator were meant to be enjoyed in the fear of God by His creation, how can I tell when I should run to the creator alone or when it is okay turn on that flick? I think the key is restlessness and doubt. When I am experiencing these things I should realize that it is my creator I should run to. The only proper time to enjoy the carnal things is when I already have the peace and soundness in my spirit from my Jesus.
This is much like a healthy marriage: in a great marriage, the committed husband or wife refuses to be pleased (emotionally as well as physically) by anyone other than their spouse. Even in times of hardship when their mate is not meeting these needs, they must refuse to let anyone else meet those needs (otherwise the door can open to extramarital affairs). On the same note, we as committed Christians should refuse to allow anything other than Jesus be allowed to provide for our basic emotional and spiritual needs. In so doing, we allow God the room to move in us when the time is right and to give us the perfect fix, rather than just a temporary fix of this carnal world...
Next time I am feeling restless, or perhaps even reckless, I will run to Jesus instead of to this carnal realms desires to give me the peace and joy I am longing for...
After all, why run to a substitue when you have the substance?

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