Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Jesus Speaks at "Sauce"

So my wife Jessica and I and our baby girl were sitting at "Sauce" the restaurant in the DTC - a great little thin crust, wood-fired pizza joint. It was really busy - we had arrived there at noon when the business lunch rush was on, and every single table was filled. We sat and waited for a table to open - I enjoyed a beer and we entertained our little Gracie. Eventually we were seated, and served, and we were really enjoying our lunch together (a little date-lunch, since our 7 and 10 year old boys were in school). I felt the Lord speak to me as we sat and ate among the busy crowd. "I want you to start a church in the DTC." I sat and listened, thinking, Lord, was that you? He spoke again - "I love these people". This is the first time the Lord just outright told me to start a church, and it was very unexpected.

Since then I have been praying and waiting about that, not quite sure of the next move...should I just go and start talking to folks? Or is there a specific spot or place or group that the Lord would have me to go toward? Am I supposed to do it alone or with others? Questions, questions.
This past Sunday morning, I found myself at Southlands, walking and spending time with Jesus, who out of nowhere told me to pray for the shopping area (he doesnt often tell me stuff like this either). So I did, and ended up praying fervently for and toward the neighborhoods all around this area... soon I felt myself desiring to "prayer-walk" not only there, but also at the Aurora mall and at Park Meadows mall... This morning as I was driving past the DTC on my way to work, my mind and heart began to be open about reaching that whole area, and the whole South-East side of Denver... especially the area within the three points of those three malls, which also includes DTC area.
Anyway, I feel that God is moving here - and I would like to ask you guys to join with me in discussing, praying, and listening about this vision I feel. I dont believe that God wants any of us to be "lone rangers" in what He is drawing each of us to do - and I tend to think that He also doesn't just give one individual member of his body in a certain area a vision, but probably many of those in a certain area (who are attuned to his voice).

God is moving in SE Denver, and we are following where He leads, whatever He wants - let it be, Lord. Your kingdom come and Your will be done.

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