However, many (if not most) Christian religious groups have fallen into the age-old trap of performance based religion. It may be subtle, but is present nonetheless. For those of us who were in a system like that for a good length of time, the process of re-learning and changing ones way of thinking is lengthy and difficult.
For example, just yesterday I noticed remnants of that old way of thinking while I was working. I was feeling far from God, and my relationship with Him had seemed distant for a few days. Frustrated, my mind started going down one of those old paths. Maybe I need to read my Bible more. Maybe I haven't been living out the great commission enough. Thankfully, I caught myself almost immediately, all glory to Him.
No. No -- Rightness with God doesn't come from those things. Closeness with God is not a result of working harder. Those things are a result of healthy intimacy with God, they are not what gives me intimacy with Him. So instead I went for a walk and and spent some time talking with Him.
That old way of thinking is like saying, "I feel distant from my wife, so I need to make more money, or I need to work harder around the house." Yes those things are important in keeping a household running, but they have very little to do with intimacy with my wife. If I want that, we need to spend more time together. True intimacy only comes from consistent and healthy communication.
Intimacy is not the result of right works, rather it is the root and seed of them. True kingdom work must be built upon a strong foundation of intimacy and walk with God.
Man's religion says: Work hard to reach God. Deny the body, deny enjoyment. Change your ways and do penance. Pray, fast, and read your Bible more. Go to church more. Yet God's grace says: Come to me. Sit at my feet. Seek to know me. Stay with, and in, me - and I in you.
So man's religion is backward. It says work harder and do more, and rightness with God will result. But Jesus has taught us the opposite: Get right with God, know Him. Then He will clean up your act, and right works will follow.
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