When did Christianity become a practce of philosophizing rather than a practice of doing?
It is quite easy for a believer to fall into the modern trap of study and philosophy around the Christian faith rather than one of practice. It seems to me that much of modern Christianity has fallen into this trap - and it's an easy one to fall into! So much time is spent in churches sermonizing and teaching doctrines and belief systems and intellectual aseertions as they regard the Christian faith... but little time is spent actually putting those beliefs and doctrines into practice.
You believe in baptizing a certain way -- when's the last time you baptized someone? You believe in praying a certain way -- but is enough time spent practicing this type of prayer? You believe in the great commission -- but how much time is spent practicing it? You believe in helping the poor, fatherless, and widows -- but when's the last time you actually did it?
I was convicted the other day that recently I have been spending much time studying the scriptures to gain clarity on what I believe around certain doctrinal issues. This is not a bad thing... however it struck me that perhaps I have allowed my faith to become one of philosophizing and intellectualism and "figuring things out", when shouldn't my faith be one of practice?
I wonder if the doctrines and principles of the Christian faith were only meant to be understood through practice? As I reach the unreached, I understand more and more the grace of God and his wonderful salvation and I learn little by little how to better reach them... As I pray and spend time listening to Jesus I understand more and more the purpose and power of prayer and more and more of the character and love of God for me and this world... As I fellowship closely and daily with my spiritual brethren I learn more and more about the church, the body, and its ultimate purpose on this earth, as well as how to be used to edify the church...
So here I sit, convicted and making a new resolution with Him. To practice the little I know that I may learn more. To act on what I do know and in so doing learn what I dont yet know. To do and not just to know. To make living it out rather than studying it out the foundation of my life with Him.
I know this is right because the first century church didn't have all the doctrines figured out (they actually had a lot of doctrinal diversity among the early church), and still they turned their world upside down! And what about the poor saints in remote areas of Africa and Asia, or the persecuted underground church in communist countries? These have alot of weird and crazy doctrines in them but are growing like crazy, reaching their world for Jesus, and are seeing all kinds of signs and wonders as they go. Im not saying right doctrine is not important and in many cases crucial. I am saying that action is the one needful thing.
Jesus, forgive us of thinking, even subconsciously, that right doctrine is in any way a substitute for right works. Make us doers of the word, first and foremost, every day of our lives! May we understand, deeply and truly, that you would rather have us messed up doctrinally but reaching sinners with the little we know. You would rather have us to be prayer warriors with the small amount of faith and knowledge we have, rather than have all understanding and not practicing it. You would rather have us misunderstanding some of your truths rather than neglecting sharing with the poor, widows, and orphans of this world. All glory to you and your glorious good news!
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